Spring Flowers
Sunshine of Spring
Vase Arrangement
Bright and vibrant, this bouquet is a showstopper! With a cheery mix of yellow roses, lilies, and tulips, Sunshine of Spring is bursting with color and is the perfect spring mix. Brighten up someone's day by sending them this alluring bouquet!
Shown at $60.00
Ginger Vase, Dusty Miller, Baby Eucalyptus, Yellow Lilies, Yellow Roses, Yellow Tulips.
Bright and vibrant, this bouquet is a showstopper! With a cheery mix of yellow roses, lilies, and tulips, Sunshine of Spring is bursting with color and is the perfect spring mix. Brighten up someone's day by sending them this alluring bouquet!
Shown at $60.00
Shown at $60.00
Ginger Vase, Dusty Miller, Baby Eucalyptus, Yellow Lilies, Yellow Roses, Yellow Tulips.
Bright and vibrant, this bouquet is a showstopper! With a cheery mix of yellow roses, lilies, and tulips, Sunshine of Spring is bursting with color and is the perfect spring mix. Brighten up someone's day by sending them this alluring bouquet!
Shown at $60.00
Custom Flower Design
Let us create a custom flower arrangement for you.
Love the fresh flowers of springtime? Bring them inside by ordering a spring flower arrangement from Kirtland Flower Barn, your local Kirtland flower shop. You will love gazing at your beautiful blooms all week long. Know someone who needs a little appreciation? Send spring flowers to lift their spirits, no matter if they live next door or across the country, Kirtland Flower Barn can help!